
The main Pinterest feature undoubtedly focuses on boards and images. Its main site includes pictures by selected users. It shows a tool bar on the top, and a pin gallery in the middle.

The main menu on the top right hand side, which has just been described in the previous page, contains  the + icon. This enables us to upload pins from our computer, add pins from a website and create a board.

menu pinterest


Pinterest Menu

  • Upload a pin: we can choose a file directly browsing for it from our computer and then add it to Pinterest.

Upload pin

We just have to choose the file we would like to upload, decide which board you want to pin it to, or create a brand new board, to finally click on the Pin it button.

Create a board

  • Add from a website: if we know the url where the images we are trying to add are, when pasting it onto the textbox, Pinterest will find them for us, so it is a very useful option.


All the adequate images to pin from the pasted URL appear on the top left hand side of our screen and if we run the mouse over any of them, we will see the Pin it option. Then, we will create a pin onto the board of our choice with the selected image.

Available images to pin from a website

Create a pin

  • Create a board: The main site of our own personal Pinterest offers us the chance to create a new board. 

Create a board

Create a boardBy eventually clicking the Create Board button, we will own a board that shows:

  • The board description;
  • The board creator, that is, us, and the people that can collaboratively pin with us;
  • An Edit Board button;
  • The number of pins the board includes and the number of followers it has;
  • The possibility to keep on pinning onto it.

Our personal board

We can easily add pins to our board clicking on the Add pin button on the top left hand side.

Add a pin

This offers a new possibility that we have not gone into yet: adding a pin from Pinterest itself. When you click From Pinterest, a wide range of images from this social network appear so you can add the one you like best.

Add pin from Pinterest

If we go back to our profile, click on our name and unfold the menu, we will find various options to choose from, as the image below shows. We recommend you to click and explore.

Pinterest Menu