Submissions grading

Rubric for 1.2. Online Safety Activities.

Digital Storytelling for Teachers.

February 2014 Edition.

Activity Description
Redo for Mastery: Not enough information is included in the description or it misses the mark in describing the activity.
Approaching Mastery: The description fails to describe the main point of the activity or is difficult to understand.
Mastery: The author describes the activity, but more details are needed and/or the description exceeds the 1 to 2 sentence limit.
Above Mastery: This field contains a 1 to 2 sentence description of the activity that does an exemplary job of explaining the main points of the activity and describing what students will accomplish.
Activity Details
Redo for Mastery: The author fails to describe the steps and stages with enough details.
Approaching Mastery: The steps and stages for the activity are described, but several details are needed. A few of the links to online tools, materials, examples or resources are missing.
Mastery: The steps and stages for the activity are described and bullet points are used, however a few details may be needed. This field includes links to online tools, materials, examples or resources used for the activity but may be missing 2 or less.
Above Mastery: The steps and stages for the activity are described and bullet points are used. This field includes links to any online tools, materials, examples or resources used for the activity.
Required Elements
Redo for Mastery: More than 5 elements need more details or are incorrectly completed. An example of the task is not included.
Approaching Mastery: 2 to 3 elements need to be completed, include more details, or are incorrectly completed. An example of the activity is not included.
Mastery: The assignment meets all requirements, however 2 to 3 elements need more details. An example of the activity is included.
Above Mastery: The assignment meets all requirements with all the necessary information. An example of the activity is included.
Redo for Mastery: The assignment has several grammar and spelling errors that make the document nearly unreadable.
Approaching Mastery: The assignment has more than 4 grammar and spelling errors.
Mastery: The assignment has 2 to 3 grammar and spelling errors.
Above Mastery: The assignment is free of grammar and spelling errors. Each activity makes use of bullet points.