1.3. Twittering a Tiny Story

Twitter Talk

Most likely, Twitter is the social network to which more teachers belong and with wider professional interactions. On top of that, micro-blogging platforms like Twitter are changing the storytelling scene, like once did the radio or tv broadcast. Andrew Fitzgerald takes a look at the (aptly) short but fascinating history of new forms of creative experimentation in fiction and storytelling, check out .

1. Create a Twitter account 

(If you already have a Twitter account, please check that you have followed all the steps below)

Finally, update your course profile adding your brand new Twitter username.

Follow me on Twitter

Tell a tiny story!

Well, that is our warm-up proposal to get you into digital storytelling. It should be a great exercise and a lot of fun. It is aimed at triggering off your creative juices and helping you to focus rigorously on word choice, sentence structure, and even punctuation.

Ready to play?

Write a tiny story that allows the reader's imagination to run with it. You should start your Tweet using #tinystory_INTEF, that is the only condition. Then, submit a link to your Tweet. That's very easy: when you write a tweet, you see something like this:

Linked Tweet

Just click on the time indicator that is on the top right hand side of your Tweet and you will see the Tweet URL, i.e. https://twitter.com/mjgsm/status/382948633693286400 Copy the URL, paste it and submit it.

After all your #tinystory_INTEF tweets are due, they will be collected into a public Storify strip.

The instructor will verify that you have accomplished this task successfully.