Course Overview

Activities and assessment

Each module comes with a set of activities: assignments, forums, missions, glossary and the ePortfolio. Topics are organized as follows:

  • Compulsory set that online trainers will assess through various rubrics or by other means.
  • Weekly Missions: 3-4-day challenges
  • Extension activities: voluntary set to go into further creativity


Your online trainer will verify and grade your activities, once submitted. If the activities should need revision, your online trainer will let you know, and provide some tips so that you can do any necessary adjustments until your activity meets the requirements.

It is important to regularly check the Grader Report, as it shows the progress towards your certificate gaining. There is a link to this report on the left hand side Settings menu, in the online classroom.

Grader Report

Publication of works: licensing and compliance

The work that the participants have developed during the course will be covered under the same Creative Commons license that affects the course, and that is:

Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)Licence

This implies that all materials that are part of the course activities must be original or have licenses that allow distribution shown in BY- SA license , ie could be distributed under the same license and recognition of authorship.
Default means that the work produced by the participants meet these conditions unless expressly stated otherwise .