Create a Welcome For Your Students

Mission 1 Welcome to our first weekly mission. This time it is a three-day proposal to get your students excited about the subject being taught with an engaging welcome story. These stories help teachers establish connections with their learners. They also leave a positive impression on learners.

To accomplish this task:

1st. Choose any of the digital storytelling tools in the Sandbox you haven't used yet to create your own personal Welcome.

2nd. With this digital storytelling tool, create a presentation that includes:

  • a welcome message
  • your name
  • at least 3 reasons why learners should be excited about your subject

3rd. When your Welcome is completed, please submit your story by following these instructions:

  • click the button below labeled Add a new discussion.
  • In the Subject, include your first and last name's 'Welcome to' Subject with Tool Name. For example, if Jane Doe created her story with Animoto then she would write in the Subject line Jane Doe's Welcome to Science with Animoto.
  • In the Message, include
    • what you liked about the tool and briefly describe the tool's features.
    • include a link to your digital story.
    • If you create a comic, please include the image of your comic. You may have to take a screenshot.
    • If you have a video, slideshow, book, or other multimedia, you will have to embed your story. Embed the story by copying/pasting the embed code, which you get from the web tool. Then click on HTML and paste that code. Make sure to click Update to make sure the story embeds.
    • Click Post to Forum so that your story is recorded. Check to see that your submission is posted to the forum.

4th. Spread the word at Twitter if you feel like it, using the course hashtag, #storytelling_INTEF.

This mission is voluntary but it will help you explore the topic more and give you the opportunity to receive extra feedback from your instructor and peers. Have a look at the welcomes designed by peers at former editions for inspiration: March 2014, October 2014: Groups A & B, Group C, Group D, Group E.


(Aún no hay temas en este foro)