Calificando Entregas

Rubric to be used when assessing the Comic that represents our emotions assignment for Digital Storytelling for Teachers.

February 2014 Edition.

Design and Layout
Redo for Mastery. Redo for Mastery The design elements are too distracting or lack depth.
Approaching Mastery. The author has created a presentation with the necessary elements, but could improve the design and layout. The design is either overwhelming or lacks depth. Some of the elements detract from the content. Too much text might be included or the font is difficult to read.
Mastery. The author has created an engaging comic that captures attention. However, a few of the design elements may detract from the content and/or the placement of elements do not align.
Above Mastery. The author has created an engaging comic that captures attention. The design and layout show good use of colors, space, background props, and font. Each element is aligned accurately and place in a way that makes sense.
Redo for Mastery. Captions rarely relate to the scenes and the connections are unclear.
Approaching Mastery. Captions relate to the scenes, but the connections are less obvious. The wording in the captions need work to highlight the author’s emotions.
Mastery. Captions relate to the scenes and clearly express the emotions of the author. Minor rewording would provide more depth.
Above Mastery. Captions do an exemplary job of expressing the emotions of the characters and relating to the scenes. Connections are easy to understand.
Props, Background, Scenery
Redo for Mastery. Setting and background elements and props seem randomly chosen or distract the reader.
Approaching Mastery. Setting and background elements and props are included, but most distract the reader or do not support better understanding of the scene.
Mastery. Setting and background elements and props support the understanding of the scene. Only 1 or 2 elements distract the reader or seem unnecessary. A few specific elements would make this comic have more depth.
Above Mastery. Setting and background elements and props do an exemplary job of supporting the understanding of the scene. Elements do not distract the reader.
Effective Use of the Tool / App
Redo for Mastery. The author does not use a tool or app in the sandbox or approved by an instructor.
Approaching Mastery. The author uses a tool or app in the sandbox or approved by an instructor. The comic shows major problems with the use of the features of the tool/app. More practice is needed.
Mastery. The author uses a tool or app in the sandbox or approved by an instructor. The comic showcases a few features of the tool/app but a little more practice with the tool/app is needed.
Above Mastery. The author creates a comic that showcases various features of the tool or app in an engaging way. The author uses a tool or app in the sandbox or approved by an instructor.
Tool Description
Redo for Mastery. The description is inaccurate and incomplete.
Approaching Mastery. The description describes the tool features, but parts are unclear and/or have a few inaccuracies.
Mastery. The author describes the tool features accurately, but more details are needed and/or parts are unclear.
Above Mastery. The tool description is complete, comprehensive, and correct.
Tool Evaluation
Redo for Mastery. The evaluation is too brief and does not show deep analysis of the tool.
Approaching Mastery. The evaluation describes the tool features, but parts are unclear and/or inaccurate.
Mastery. The author describes the tool features accurately, but more details are needed and/or parts are unclear.
Above Mastery. The tool evaluation is complete, comprehensive, and correct. It includes likes, recommended improvements, ease of use, safety/ appropriateness for students, and if the author would use with students.
Redo for Mastery. The assignment has several grammar and spelling errors that make the comic nearly unreadable.
Approaching Mastery. The assignment has more than 4 grammar and spelling errors in the comic.
Mastery. The assignment has 2 to 3 grammar and spelling errors in the comic.
Above Mastery. The comic is free of both grammar and spelling errors.