Submissions grading

Rubric to assess the progress on the e-portofolio that the participants in the Digital Storytelling for Teachers compile at the end of each module.

February 2014 Edition.

The Board and Pins
Redo for Mastery. The board lacks flow. The elements and content are too difficult for readers to understand.
Approaching Mastery. The author has created a board with the necessary elements, but could improve the pins. The pins are either overwhelming or lack depth.
Mastery. The author has created an engaging board that captures attention and the pins show thought and care. Only 1 or 2 of the pins may detract from the content or are unnecessary.
Above Mastery. The author has created an engaging board. The pins show good use of the tools/resources/apps.
Required Details
Redo for Mastery. The board is incomplete only showcasing the author’s work partially in the module.
Approaching Mastery. The board is mostly complete with the module needing more details and descriptions.
Mastery. The board is complete but needs a few more details to add clarity or depth.
Above Mastery. The board is complete and does an exemplary job of showcasing the author’s reflection and growth throughout the module. The board includes artifacts and samples from the module. The author describes future application.
Effective Use of the Tool / App
Redo for Mastery. The author does not use a tool or app approved by an instructor.
Approaching Mastery. The author uses a tool or app approved by an instructor. The board shows major problems with the use of the features of the tool/app. More practice is needed.
Mastery. The author uses a tool or app approved by an instructor. The board showcases a few features of the tool/app but a little more practice with the tool/app is needed.
Above Mastery. The author creates a board that showcases various features of the tool or app in an engaging way. The author uses a tool or app approved by an instructor.
Redo for Mastery. The assignment has several grammar and spelling errors that make the board and pins nearly unreadable.
Approaching Mastery. The assignment has more than 4 grammar and spelling errors.
Mastery. The assignment has 2 to 3 grammar and spelling errors.
Above Mastery. The board and pins are free of grammar and spelling errors.